Electrician or Professional Electrical work Services from facilityKart

If you’re searching for trained electrician and electrical services for your household problems, you have reached the right destination, FacilityKart is the emerging enterprise for completing your electrical work hassle free. We have expertise in electrical work services like new fittings, connection, repairing and installation of switches, wiring, appliances, fans, coolers, ACs, ROs etc.
Facilitykart provides one stop solution with 100% guarantee and 1 year warranty. Our electricians are well trained who follow strictly laid down procedures to provide effective work. We will provide you day to day activity chart, supervision of your work with an expert, starting and completion date, GPS monitoring of each employees, and we will keep you informed about every step of the work. We will always ready to answer your questions. In today’s fast world, people want efficient service for their household problems; time and quality of work are the factors on which any work is judged. We understand that you are spending your hard earned money to build and maintain your home. Faculty electric line, switches or appliances can lead to life threatening incidents so one should be extra cautious for it. We will provide effective and efficient electrician work to gain your trust.Our electrical work service includes:
- Complete electrical work Installing new connections, laying wiring, switches, fixing fans, water coolers, ACs, ROs etc.
- Installation of New Electrical items Installation and fixing of Kitchen exhaust fans, ROs, switches, Fans, coolers, ACs and other installation of electrical work related household new items.
- Repair of Electrical Items Repair and replacement of items like switches, wires, motors, bulbs, fans, coolers, and air conditioners. Repair of ROs, Microwave, Oven, inverters and other electrical appliances are also performed.
Regular Electrical work in households:
- Switch, bulb, tubelight replacement or repair
- ROs, ACs, Fans, Coolers fitting, cleaning, repair, and installation
- Laying down wire network in new room or newly constructed house
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We Speak Facility: You need someone who cares about your facility as much as you do. With a variety of facility services and an integrated approach, Facility Kart can keep your facilities operating at peak performance.
Plans and Pricing
Our Budget Friendly Price PlansRepairing
- AC Servicing
- Appliances Repairing
- MCB & other heavy electrical work
- Support 24/7