Woodwork or Expert Carpentry Services from FacilityKart

If you’re searching for carpentry services for your household problems, you have reached the right destination; FacilityKart is the emerging enterprise for completing your carpentry work hassle free. We have expertise in carpentry services like making new and repairing wardrobes, sofas, almirah, doors, side tables etc.
Facilitykart provides one stop solution with 100% guarantee and 1 year warranty. Our electricians are well trained who follow strictly laid down procedures to provide effective work. We will provide you day to day activity chart, supervision of your work with an expert, starting and completion date, GPS monitoring of each employees, and we will keep you informed about every step of the work. We will always ready to answer your questions. In today’s fast world, people want efficient service for their household problems; time and quality of work are the factors on which any work is judged. We understand that you are spending your hard earned money to build and maintain your home. It is our highest priority to ensure that all wood work of your home or office should be beautifully designed, crafted and have great color combination. We will provide effective and efficient electrician work to gain your trust.Our carpentry service includes:
- Making New Items like sofa, chairs, side tables, shoe racks:Making new brand sofa, chairs, doors, side tables, office tables, classy TV stands, modular kitchen wardrobe cabinets and shoe stands.
- Cleaning of Wooden and glass items:Cleaning of sofa sets, doors, window and door glasses, and appliances. Cleaning will remove fungus, bacteria and other infectious microbes from these items and will increase the life of your wooden items.
- Installation and fixing of doors and other wooden items:If you have ordered it online or purchased by yourself from shop and facing some problem in installing it properly, we are here to help you.
- Repair of household items:Repair of sofa, chairs, doors, side tables, office tables, TV stands, modular kitchen wardrobe cabinets and shoe stands.
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We Speak Facility: You need someone who cares about your facility as much as you do. With a variety of facility services and an integrated approach, Facility Kart can keep your facilities operating at peak performance.