Pest Control >>Termite control


 Most hotermite-control-servicemeowners list their first home as their single largest investment.But they are depleted due to termites.We at facilitykart at has a professional qualified team to prevent your home and workplace from termite.Termite / Deemak is a tiny pest that has been on earth since last 250 million years.Termites pose the greatest threat to timber, building and all structures through-out the world.How to detect that your furniture is termite free or not?Just Give us a call at facilitykart to get guaranteed 2 years termite free furniture at your home.

Service:General Pest control
Details:Our Termite control services include drilling and Injecting Chemicals,Spraying chemicals then Skirting level Treatment and Chemical Barrier around the premises.

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FacilityKart is the emerging enterprise for completing your all home need work hassle free. We also have expertise in all electrical, plumbing and carpentry services.