Plumbing or Professional Plumbing Services from Facilitykart

If you’re searching for professional plumbers or plumbing services you have reached the right destination, FacilityKart is the emerging enterprise for completing your plumbing tasks hassle free. We have expertise in Plumbing work related to new fittings, connection of water pipes, repairing and removing blockage and fixing leakages etc. Facilitykart provides one stop solution with 100% guarantee and 1 year warranty. Our craftsmen are well trained who follow strictly laid down procedures to effectively dispose plumbing work. We will provide you day to day activity chart, supervision of your work with an expert, starting and completion date, GPS monitoring of each employees, and we will keep you informed about every step of the work. We will always ready to answer your questions. In today’s fast world, people want efficient service for their household problems; time and quality of work are the factors on which any work is judged. We understand that you are spending your hard earned money to build and maintain your home. We will provide effective and efficient plumbing work to gain your trust.
Our Plumbing service includes:
- Complete plumbing work:Installing new connections of water pipeline to bathroom and kitchens, complete piping solutions to new houses or offices.
- Installation of Plumbing parts:Installation and fixing of wash basin, taps, faucets, shower, bath tub, toilet seat, overhead water etc.
- Repair of plumbing system:Repair of water closets like Taps, faucets, shower, kitchen sink, urinals, bidets and fountains. This will help in removing blockage and leakage from your Plumbing system.
- Cleaning: Cleaning of overhead water tanks, bath tubs, shower at the cheapest cost.
General Plumbing problems in households:
- Slow water flow from tap
- Flush not working properly
- Water seepage
- Water logging
- Problems with fitting of water pipe network in kitchen and bathroom
- Problems with fitting of all plumbing items in new household
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We Speak Facility: You need someone who cares about your facility as much as you do. With a variety of facility services and an integrated approach, Facility Kart can keep your facilities operating at peak performance.
Plans and Pricing
We have a budget friendly plan for you.Repairing
- Bathroom Stuff Repairing
- Kitchen Stuff Repairing
- Washroom Stuff Repairing
- Plumbing Appliances Repairing
- Kitchen Stuff Installation
- Washroom Stuff Installation
- Bathroom Stuff Installation
- Water Pump Stuff Installation